Someday, cats might take over the world. Well, that’s what people say when their cat plays Jedi mind tricks on them to do their bidding. This myth isn’t far from the truth, because there are cat breeds with a high IQ that are fast learners. Take the Scottish Fold as...
Are you considering Persian cat adoption? If you are searching for a low-maintenance kitty, but want to keep her high-maintenance looks, pick me. Firstly: I am the world’s most beautiful kitty, but I don’t wake up looking well-groomed. I shed… A LOT!...
Cats don’t like change. They are territorial creatures and prefer to spend their time in an environment that is familiar to them. They are not a fan of new routines, which can cause difficulties for you when you are planning to move. However, moving with your...
We are entering the rainy season here in South Florida. The weather is also getting warmer. This means the Bufo Toads will be more prevalent. They like to hide in dark, dank areas, such as under bushes, decks, tool sheds and the like. Imagine, you are fondly watching...
Are you here because you are thinking about adopting a Siamese cat? Well, first of all ― let us say you should let that snow-white cat go to another family! Siamese cats are pretty, and you might already know this after your recent visit to the shelter. Those blue...