Bufo Toads can be deadly for your cat or dog.
We are entering the rainy season here in South Florida. The weather is also getting warmer. This means the Bufo Toads will be more prevalent. They like to hide in dark, dank areas, such as under bushes, decks, tool sheds and the like.
Imagine, you are fondly watching your fur baby play in the backyard. They are jumping around and having a jolly good time chasing after a squirrel. Suddenly, your dog stops their playful antics and stands still near the fence.
Right in front of your eyes, something horrifying happens ― one minute your dog was goofing around with and the next minute they are having a seizure. You run out into the backyard and witness your dog collapsed on the ground. White foam is coming out of their mouth, and a tremor or two shakes their body every few seconds. You look around to see what caused this, but nothing dangerous catches your eye.
You rush to the vet with your dog in your arms and go straight into the emergency room. After giving your dog some pills and sedative, the vet informs you that your dog probably licked a bufo toad, which caused these reactions.
And this is why you need to keep an eye out on your dog when they are playing in the open! Bufo toads are poisonous to dogs and cats, so much that they can die within minutes.
How Bufo Toads Poison Dogs
Bufo toads excrete cardiac toxins and hallucinogenics, which enter your dog’s bloodstream through their gums. As soon as the dog licks or bites a Bufo toad, the toad releases a milky white substance which quickly spreads through the blood. If immediate action is not taken, the toxin attacks your dog’s neurological system, and the poison slowly moves towards their heart, killing the dog.
Symptoms of Bufo Toad Poising
- Seizures
- Hallucinations
- Disorientation
- Salivating
- Diarrhea
- Tremors
- Oral irritation
- Vomiting
- Rapid Heartbeat
- Unresponsive pupils
- Anxiety
- Trouble breathing
- Foam coming from the mouth
What to Do When Your Dog Gets Poisoned by a Bufo Toad
· Flush Out Your Dog’s Mouth
Dip a washcloth in water and clean your dog’s mouth with it. Make sure to angle their mouth to the side so that the water drips out and not in their throat. Do this at least five times and then keep a close eye on your dog for any symptoms.
· Call Your Vet
Even if you do not notice any symptoms, call your vet immediately for advice. If you have a small dog, the symptoms will show immediately. However, if the dog is larger, the symptoms might appear later. Any time you suspect your dog or cat has encountered a Bufo toad, you need to contact your vet immediately. Do not wait.
Tips to Prevent Bufo Toad Poisoning
- Bufo toads usually come out at night. So, make sure to turn on the lights in your yard while your dog is doing their business.
- If you are on a stroll with your dog, do not let them sniff around in bushes where you cannot see what they may have found.
- Teach your dog loose lease walking through force-free training, so they will not wander away without your permission.
- Work with a trainer to teach your dog hand signals and verbal cues, such as “leave it.”
- Do not leave water bowls or food out in the open. Even a small amount of toxin in the water can poison your dog.
There are plenty of other things that can harm your dog. Therefore, it’s important to teach them using force-free training techniques. Pulling on your dog’s leash can encourage them to pull back, and physical punishments can make them fearful. Your dog may not listen to you when it is crucial that they come when called or leave the item alone.
If you are looking for dog training in Miami, visit the website Dances with Dogs. They offer in-person, as well as online dog training classes. To know more about their services or to schedule an appointment, call on 786-299-1552.