November is Adopt a Senior Cat Month.
November is Adopt A Senior Cat Month.
Did you know that cats are less needy than dogs? There’s a famous prediction that cats will rule the world someday because, unlike dogs, they know how to fool you into giving them pets. Just as easily they demand love, they take it away and leave you hanging. Still, we know you love your kitty and want to add more to the family.
Here’s some information that will boggle your mind: A study published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroanatomy revealed that dogs are more intelligent than cats… not by much, though. The only thing dogs have got going is a better and stronger sense of taste. Another study conducted by researchers at Carroll University revealed that cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners.
Now, before you go to an animal shelter to adopt a cat, we would like you to consider something ― adopt a senior cat.
Following are a few advantages of adopting a senior cat:
They Are Less-Accident Prone
You probably have viewed those videos of cats destroying things just because they can. On-screen, this is hilarious, but in reality, this can be chaotic. Those days of wall-scratching and curtain-climbing are behind senior cats. A senior cat would prefer a corner with a view over ornaments they can play with.
They Will Adjust Well With Children
If you live in a big family, you may be lucky to find a senior cat who is used to having children around. While you will find your new cat takes time to adjust your kids, most will adjust well. Since children tend to play rough, always supervise playtime between your children and your pets.
They Are Not a Trouble Maker
A senior cat is often left in the shelter because either his owner could no longer take care of him, or the owner passed away. It’s also possible the cat was abandoned and rescued from the road. In both cases, the cat should have already been accustomed to living with people.
They Can Be Easily Trained
A senior cat knows the difference between the sofa and the scratching post. You won’t usually find them sharpening their claws on the furniture or leaving scuff marks on the hardwood floor. In fact, if you want to train your senior cat some new tricks, you can easily do so using force-free cat training methods.
No Surprises
When you adopt a senior cat, you know what you are getting. The shelter staff has had the opportunity to observe and get to know the cats in their care. You can usually tell the shelter staff what you are looking for in a pet, and they will be delighted to help you pick out your new family member.
And that’s why we highly recommend your next pet adoption should be a senior cat! They need your love, and in return, they will give you unconditional loyalty. Dances with Dogs offers cat training in Miami for kittens, as well as senior cats. They provide in-person and online dog training classes. To know more about their services or to schedule an appointment, call on 786-299-1552.