Why Baby Gates Are Useful When You Have a Puppy

You are having a small get together at your house. Sensing all the excitement, your puppy is doing their best to help you in whatever way they can. From pushing the table into a corner with their paws to dragging the carpet from the bedroom to the living room… it’s...

How to Stop My Dog from Nipping My Guests

You are hosting a party for the first time in your new home. You are all excited and your dog’s tail keeps wagging non-stop because they too can feel something is about to happen. As the first guest arrives, all is well. You greet the next guest and offer them a...

Spring Safety Tips For Dogs From A Kendall Dog Walking Service

Spring is a beautiful season in Florida, with cool nights and not-so-hot days. Dog owners love getting out with their pups for walks this time of year, and most people are also doing Spring cleaning and gardening. But, these innocent activities can be harmful to your...

6 Ultimate Ways Your Kendall Dog Walker Can Save Your Pet’s Life

When you hire a dog walking service, you’re looking for a company that loves pets, is licensed, bonded, and insured, and has an excellent rapport with your pets. The pet care company you hire to watch your pets while you’re on vacation needs to be trustworthy,...
The Key Lock box: Convenience or Asking for Trouble

The Key Lock box: Convenience or Asking for Trouble

It seems the new fad for pet sitting and dog walking companies is to offer their clients a key lock box so that the company doesn’t have to bother with client keys any longer, but what is the risk to your home and pet? What is a Key Lock Box? A key lock box is a small...

Disaster Preparedness for Your Pets

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. What most of us think about when we think about disaster preparedness is how do I keep my family safe? How many days of food and water should we have? How much water do we need per person? What important papers do we...