Persian Cat Adoption: What You Need to Know

Are you considering Persian cat adoption? If you are searching for a low-maintenance kitty, but want to keep her high-maintenance looks, pick me. Firstly: I am the world’s most beautiful kitty, but I don’t wake up looking well-groomed. I shed… A LOT!...

Keep Your Pets Away From Bufo Toads

We are entering the rainy season here in South Florida. The weather is also getting warmer. This means the Bufo Toads will be more prevalent. They like to hide in dark, dank areas, such as under bushes, decks, tool sheds and the like. Imagine, you are fondly watching...

Heartworm Awareness Month

Is your dog showing signs of fatigue? Is this followed by a persistent cough, loss of appetite, and moderate activity? Then, your dog may have heartworms. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like ― worms in the heart! This disease can infect both cats and dogs, and the...

Why is Your Cat Afraid of Cucumbers?

You are watching videos on YouTube and come across a playlist titled “Cucumbers Scaring Cats.” You click on the first video and are treated to a scene in which a man places a cucumber behind his cat stealthily. He then enjoys the show as the cat slowly turns and leaps...

Territorial Behavior in Cats

If you have multiple cats in your house, we are pretty sure you’re familiar with the usual squabble. It feels like two toddlers fighting and pushing each other over the last treat. Cats can be territorial. Have you ever wondered why your cats are fighting? Of course,...

Solving Litter Box Problems

Is your cat avoiding their litter box? Have you ever looked into the eyes of your cat and thought, “He’s going to take over the world?” What about that video where a woman hilariously documents how she thinks her kittens are trying to kill her? Cats don’t seem to...